Monday, October 20, 2008

Here come the Kids

Maggie on her favourite chair.

Sing us a song, your the Piano man. Well almost :)

Grant is learning the piano. Mum is teaching him for now, but next year he will be taking lessons at School. He really wants to play and is really starting to pick it up.

Taaa-Daaaaa its Harry. Hes standing in front of a hand-made Russian wall hanging. Looks great in our hallway.

All thats missing is all my gold medals!

August 2008. Its a Maggie fish in the yellow cap. This is what we do most weekends.

The devine Miss M turns 12. August 2008. Grant is contemplating more cake !!

Breaky aint all that bad at Le Carlsons. July 2008

Maggie singing solo at School ANZAC ceremony. You can see Grant just in front of the camera with his blonde top. Mags has just been picked with 4 other children out of 32 Schools to sing Solo at the West Coast Song festival in Novemeber. We are very proud of her. More pics to follow.

April 2008. Grant decided to give blonde streaks a go. Was a bit like pulling teeth but we got there in the end. He insists now on having 2 eyebrows !!!!!

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