Monday, October 20, 2008

Our Wedding

Scott and Mandi got married.......... Vegas Style !!

Grandads pics

Maggie playing trombone 2008 talent show at School. She was in 7 different acts. I wonder what she will do when she grows up?

Lu-Lu, Harry, Barney and Faith in Grandads backyard.

Christmas lunch 2007 at our house.

Christmas day. Most of which was spent in the pool.

Harry graduating primary School 2007. He was a councillor and we were very proud of him.

The ultimate pancake grill :)

Our Great Niece.

Our furry friends

Meet Nacho, our newest cat. She only likes Maggie, hates being picked up and meows all the time. She is VERY beautiful but unfortunatly not all that smart. We love her anyway :)

This is Muffin. She came from the pound a few years ago as a very little kitten. She is scared of everything but she LOVES her Daddy :) Unfortunatly her Mummy is allergic to her!!!

Meet Kar-Pai. He is the king of the Jungle. He knows hes not as svelte as he used to be but he doesnt let it slow him down any. When we take Lu for a walk around the park at night, he always comes too. He talks to us all the time, loves us all like crazy and keeps all the other cats(and the dog) in line.

Its time for a hair cut as I cant see where Im going :)

October School Holidays

We took the kids to a charity Football match. The Eagles v Dockers. was a great hoot. The right team won ( Eagles) so we all left happy.

Inside Submarine Ovens at Fremantle Maritime Museum. We spent an hour looking around inside. Heard lots of stories. The kids had a great time. After this we dropped them at a Laser light game and they spent the afternoon there playing more then 10 games whilst we wondered the Markets and called in at one of Scotts most favourite places in the Whole wide world.

The Sail and Anchor.
A pig in *&%^ couldnt look happier :)

A day at the Zoo

August 2008. We went for a picnic at the Zoo with Grandma and Grandad. Was a gorgeous day, not hot at all. The animals were all out and about.

Including these two :)

Sunset in Hocking

I took these pictures from the front of our house.
August 2008

Anything for money

Unfortunatly I have saved these pics the wrong way around. Scott offered the boys $5 each if they would jump in the pool 5 times. It was at 12C in the middle of July. grant wasnt all that sure about it but there was no way that Harry was going to get paid money and he was going to miss out. So in they both went. The top pic was taken 1 min before they ran to a hot shower.

It took a little while to muster up the courage. Lots of talk, not a lot of action to begin with.

Showing off thier muscles. Isnt that what all boys do?????